Monday, February 18, 2008

Mideast Peace???

Originally posted November 27, 2007...moved here...
There is a big one day meeting in Annapolis Maryland today. All the players in the middle east will be there. The purpose of this one day event is to put an end to CENTURIES of warfare...I find it hysterical that the powers that be think that centuries of gripes,religious differences, and land squabbles can be resolved in one day. Now I am pretty sure this is largely symbolic, and they are getting together to at least give the appearance that they give a crap. My question is this...when is enough enough?
The Israelis and Palistinians will never get along...NEVER. The rivalry between different Palistinian groups will never be resolved.The Iranians and their hobbit president will eventually have nukes (and use them). The Syrian government will continue to let terrorists train in their country. The Pakistani government (who has nukes) will always play both sides of the fence, and the Saudis are a bunch of untrustworthy snakes.
I have a little experience in the middle east, and I have extensive experience dealing with Saudis. It may sound a bit bitter but I stand by my rather bold statements. So we are going to lie to them, they are going to lie to each other, and the conflict rages on. My solution is let them fight. Its not like we need to be in that region of the world anymore...we have the technology for alternative fuel sources.
Our dependence on middle eastern (Saudi) oil, and all the financial windfalls for the people involved is a disgrace. We live in a great country, we are completely dependent on oil produced by a country full of people that absolutely despise our way of life. I see a huge problem with that. I just cant figure out why nobody else sees a problem with that. Especially our elected officials who we trust to have our best interest in mind. So when I see that there is a huge one day conference to bring about peace in the middle east I have to laugh.
You want peace in the middle east? Air conditioners (working),refrigerators,marijuana, and good music...and a playstation 3. Get them stoned out of their minds on some really good weed,sit them in a nice cool house with a fridge full of munchies,throw on some tunes, and turn on the playstation. A big giant BLT might help as well. You're not going to hell for eating bacon dammit! Give them all that, and the next time some radical cleric comes looking for recruits to blow themselves up in the name of Allah, they would get a hearty fuck you and a swift kick in the balls.
Picture this...chilling out stoned on a comfy couch munching on a giant blt playing video games. Abdullah (generic name) knocks on your door and says its time to go blow yourself up to kill a few americans. I would give him the "what did the five fingers say to the face" in my best Rick James impression followed by the hardest back hand he had ever experienced. Now picture're sitting on your dirt floor, with no electricity,no running water,no blt, and its 126 degrees. Abdullah comes knocking on your door and says its time to blow yourself up to kill some americans. I would look around at my horrible living conditions, take a quick stock of my life, and thank Abdullah as I was putting on the suicide vest...Shit he probably would not even need to mention the prospect of 72 hot chicks wanting to have sex with me in the afterlife. I could be wrong but I honestly think that may be the answer.

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