Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sleepless in LA County...

Watching the LA county prosecutors office spike the proverbial football on the news last night started me thinking. In the history of LA media circuses, the conviction of Dr. Murray seems like low hanging fruit. They could not convict cops for beating a man on video (Rodney King), they could not get OJ (despite DNA), they couldn't get Michael Jackson(despite several allegations), and Lindsay Lohan (although convicted every time she steps into a courtroom) seems to share the un-jailable trait of John Gotti in his younger days. So what do you do when you fall short in a series of high profile cases?? Easy...go at the sure thing!

I have a lot of experience with eccentric rich folks. By eccentric I actually mean bat shit crazy. I have been awaken by 3 am phone calls from various clients with OUTLANDISH requests that need to be taken care of immediately. I had a client ask me to track down Tom Hanks once...at 3AM in a hotel in Cleveland. I cant imagine being overtaken by an uncontrollable urge to talk to Tom Hanks at 3AM. That same client woke me up a week later to find some edible gold flake...from a bakery in Germany. Occasionally I have had younger clients ask me about drugs...anything from Ecstasy to erythromycin. Balancing the "I want to keep my job" with the "I don't want to break the law" can be tough. I take each request on a case by case basis, but my normal answer is usually No because common sense usually prevails over whatever financial windfall I am offered.

It does not take a degree in medicine to know that normal people don't inject anesthetics to sleep. From 2004 to about 2006 I had the worst insomnia you can possibly imagine. It never crossed my mind to hire a doctor to keep me on a surgical plane of consciousness during the evening hours. How does one even broach that subject? I know what my doc would say if I called him up and asked him to come over to knock me out, observe me to make sure I don't die in my sleep, then wake me up after I get my beauty rest. It certainly would not be " Sure Rob...happy to...be right over".

Michael Jackson was a lot of things. He was a talented musician, a target for tabloids, a mega star in his younger days, and a drug addict. There I said it. A drug addict with a huge amount of cash, and nobody around to actually say things that needed to be said to him. Sad if you really sit and think about it. Dr. Murray saw dollar signs. Doc Murray by virtue of being a doctor should have taken one look at Jackson and sent him on his merry way.

The DA's office in LA must have been ecstatic during the tumultuous days after the death of Michael Jackson. A collective sense of "we finally got one we can win" must have invigorated that office like a B-12 mega dose revitalizes an "exhausted" rock star. They attacked the case with the zeal of a dingo eating a baby. No more will we see the image of OJ mouthing the words "thank you" after hearing his not guilty verdict. Now we will see the look of dazed incredulity on Dr. Murrays face as the sheriff is removing him from the courtroom in handcuffs. Truth be told, if common sense had prevailed Murray would have told Jacksons people to find someone else. A clear victory for the law but another nail in the coffin of good judgement...I wonder how well Conrad Murray will be sleeping.

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