Saturday, February 16, 2008

Stupidity should hurt

I had originially posted this elsewhere...I have moved it here...
So I had a friend tell me she watched the TV show Cops last night. Cops, and the rest of the "when bad things happen cause I was really dumb" reality shows are a guilty pleasure. I love watching idiots be idiotic. I think my favorites are the when animals attack shows. They always show some dude who has a lion for a pet getting the crap beat out of him by said lion. The narrator is always pointing out that the lion is the lifelong friend and it has never been aggressive blah blah blah. They always show the aftermath as well. The lion owner after several reconstructive surgeries with a look on his face that is only shared by people who know from first hand experience what it is like to not be at the top of the food chain. The narrators voice always softens, and I always get the impression that I am supposed to be sympathetic. Do the folks sifting through the hours of video these shows receive sit around drinking beer saying things like..."whoa dude check this idiot out...he sticks his head in the mouth of an alligator and it clamps down!"? It must really suck to get bitten by an alligator,especially on your head but I just cant pull any sympathy out of my cold cold heart when it comes to that. I would really love to hear the interviewer say something like,"hey bro what the fuck were you thinking? You stuck your head in the mouth of a fucking alligator!". I dont know,maybe I am going to hell for laughing at the plight of others. While I am totally thankful that these people exist, and that they love to video tape their "hey man hold my beer watch this" moments, I sometimes just want to gather them all up and say something like," have a mullet,you wear a wife beater, and you drink heavily the deck is already stacked against you my friend.Dont stick your fucking head in an alligators mouth!". I fear my warnings would be lost on them though. I think at this late stage of the game if you dont know that sticking your head in an alligators mouth is a bad idea then all hope is lost, and maybe you were put on this earth for the amusement of people who know better. I could be wrong...I know when I do something stupid I usually say to myself " damn that was pretty fucking dumb" as I am on my way to the hospital...


Unknown said...


sunnydove said...

I remember a great trip to the hospital with you! Probably one of my all-time favorite memories EVER!